VFX Services And Ecological High-Performance Rendering
For movies, TV series, Animations and Games
The efficient cloud-based rendering farms we provide with our technology partners are suitable for any rendering needs, such as 3D modeling, VFX processing, animation, and others. And not just filmmakers but also game studios benefit from our processing capabilities.
CO2 compensated rendering power
Zero waste from cooling data centers - heat is reused to warm properties and stored in geothermal wells (the outside temperature can drop to near -40 Celsius during winter).
Simple and cost-effective pricing modeL
Pricing is based on how much you use with minimal OPEX investment. Our pricing can include software licenses, too. No CAPEX investment is required!
FINLAND is one of the safest locations in the world to create
A safe and geopolitically stable area of the Kainuu region is the perfect choice for your rendering needs. Major natural disasters such as tornados, typhoons, and earthquakes are non-existent.